Coccidiosis in Chickens: Everything You Need to Know
If you're thinking about raising chickens, it's important that you understand the risks that coccidiosis can pose to your flock.

How Many Chickens Should I Raise?
Thinking about raising chickens? Not so fast. Before you do, consider the ideal number of chickens to raise.

The Best Cold Hardy Chicken Breeds
If you want to raise chickens in the winter, start by choosing the right breed. This guide to the best cold hardy chicken breeds can help you find the perfect one.

Best Breeds of Chickens to Raise as Pets
If you are thinking about raising chickens for pets, you may want to consider one of these top breeds.

What is the Deep Litter Method for Chickens?
When it comes to raising chickens, the deep litter method of bedding is a smart way to bed the coop that will save time, money, and energy.

How to Sex Chickens: Telling the Difference Between a Rooster and a Hen
Sexing chickens can be a challenge - and in most cases, it’s easier to either wait until they’re older or trust in the professionals. Here’s what you need to know about how to sex chickens.

Everything You Need to Know About Cage Free Eggs
Several states now have laws in place requiring egg producers to raise their laying hens in cage-free environments. Here's what all the hype's about.

Everything You Need to Know About Polish Chickens
Raising Polish chickens comes with many challenges - but it's definitely worth the effort. Here's what you need to know.

How to Raise Australorp Chickens
Thinking about raising Australorp chickens? You've come to the right place. Here's what you need to know about this friendly chicken breed.

How to Raise Jersey Giant Chickens
Thinking about raising Jersey Giant chickens? These behemoth birds are perfect for a backyard flock. Here are some reasons why (and some helpful tips!).

How to Raise Leghorn Chickens
Think raising Leghorn chickens is right for you? Here are some tips to help you get started.

Why You Should Buy Pasture-Raised Eggs
With all kinds of terms thrown around out there, it can be difficult to decide what kind of eggs you should buy. Here are some tips on deciphering things, and why pasture-raised is the way to go.

What Are Straight Run Chicks?
Ready to start raising your first batch of chicks? If you're wondering what the phrase "straight run" means, don't worry. We'll break it down for you.

How to Prevent Eggs from Freezing
With the arrival of winter comes the unfortunate appearance of frozen eggs in the chicken coop. Here's how you can prevent eggs from freezing this winter.

Pros and Cons of Heritage Chicken Breeds
Many people appreciate the benefits of heritage chickens - but there are some challenges associated with them, too. Here's what you need to know.

10 Tips for Preparing the Farm for a Winter Storm
Plan ahead now so that you don’t get caught unprepared with that winter storm does hit! If you’re not sure where to start - or if this is your first winter as a farmer or homesteader - take these tips into account.

The Ultimate List of How to Make Money as a Homesteader
Are you looking to make some extra money on the farm? Here are some of the best ways to do it!

14 Tips for Preventing Frozen Livestock Water This Winter
Winter is coming - or already here, as in most areas of the United States. Here are some tips to prevent livestock waterers from freezing up this winter.

How to Prepare Your Chicken Coop for Fall and Winter
As fall moves in, take these steps to prepare your chicken coop for the upcoming winter. This post will tell you how to prepare your chicken coop for fall and winter!

Everything You Need To Know About Molting Chickens
Are your chickens molting? If so, not to worry. This common situation is one that every chicken keeper will face at one point or another. Here are tips to deal with it.