How to Get Your Chickens to Roost Where You Want Them To
Chickens can be frustrating creatures - especially when they don't roost when and where you want them to. Here are some tips you can use to your advantage.

7 Ways to Use Eggshells in the Garden
Have a ton of eggshells left over? Here are some easy ways you can reuse eggshells in the garden.

How to Prevent Dirty Eggs in the Chicken Coop
If you're sick of dealing with messy, dirty eggs in the nest box, don't worry. These tips can help you clean up your coop and yield healthier, tidier eggs.

How to Prevent Eggs from Freezing
With the arrival of winter comes the unfortunate appearance of frozen eggs in the chicken coop. Here's how you can prevent eggs from freezing this winter.

14 Tips for Preventing Frozen Livestock Water This Winter
Winter is coming - or already here, as in most areas of the United States. Here are some tips to prevent livestock waterers from freezing up this winter.

The Top 10 Chicken Feeders For You to Consider
If you have chickens, you may have wondered how to reduce food waste. Consider one of these 10 best chicken feeders to minimize waste and maximize profits.

The 50 Best Herbs to Feed Your Chickens
Feeding fresh and dried herbs to your chickens is a great way to improve their health. Here are some suggestions on the best herbs to feed your chickens to help you get started.

Everything You Need To Know About Molting Chickens
Are your chickens molting? If so, not to worry. This common situation is one that every chicken keeper will face at one point or another. Here are tips to deal with it.

10 Tips for Vacationing When You Have a Farm
Are you planning a summer vacation, but worry about what will happen to your farm while you're gone? Relax—with a little preparation, you can take a worry-free vacation. Here are some tips for vacationing when you have a farm.

The Ultimate Guide to the Orpington Chicken Breed
If you want to raise a chicken that will produce lots of eggs and meat for you, the Orpington chicken is the way to go. Here's why.

How to Protect Your Chickens When You Aren't At Home: The ChickenGuard Review
If you're worried about predators getting after your chickens while you're out and about, it may be time to consider the ChickenGuard. Read more about how to keep your chickens safe in this post!

Why You Should Be Raising Your Chickens in a Chicken Tractor
If you've been looking for an interesting and unique way to raise your chickens, then a chicken tractor may be the perfect solution. Learn more about chicken tractors here!

17 Ways to Get Rid of Flies in the Chicken Coop
Flies are a common problem in chicken coops. Not only are they a nuisance, but they can also be dangerous to your chickens. In this post, we will share 17 ways to get rid of flies in the chicken coop. We hope you find this information helpful!

How to Cut Up A Chicken For the Freezer
Do you want to save money while still providing your family with fresh, nutritious meals? If so, learning how to cut up a chicken for the freezer is a great way to get started. Here's how to do it!

How to Quickly and Humanely Butcher Your Own Chickens
Butchering your own chickens can seem like an intimidating task at first, especially if you're new to it. However, with the right guidance and a few helpful tips, you'll be able to understand how to butcher a chicken quickly and humanely. Here's how.

The Ultimate Guide to Keeping Predators Away From Your Chickens
Whether it's a fox, weasel, or raccoon you're worried about, there are some easy hacks you can incorporate to keep predators far away from your chickens.

How Old Are Chickens When They Start To Lay?
Wondering when you should expect your chickens to start producing eggs? Learn the age at which chickens begin laying eggs and other important tips for raising healthy chickens.

What To Do About Hens Who Eat Eggs
If you’ve ever found an eggshell in your chicken coop, you know the frustration. Here are some of the most common reasons why hens eat eggs and what you can do about it.

The Top 6 Chicken Egg Incubators You Can Buy
If you’re looking to hatch your own chicken eggs at home or even welcome backyard chickens into your family, then a quality egg incubator is a must. Here's a guide to the best chicken egg incubators.

What Not to Feed Chickens
You may think you know everything there is to know about properly caring for chickens, but no matter how experienced you are, there are some food items that should never be given as part of a chicken's diet. Here's what you should not feed to chickens.