175 Things You Didn't Know You Could Compost - and Tips to Help You Get Started

If you are just beginning to homestead, you probably already know all about composting. It’s a great way to reduce your impact on the environment and to use up your resources to the fullest. 

Even if you don’t have a garden, composting is a great way to get rid of “trash” and to help rejuvenate the soil.

In this article, I’ll tell you about all of the reasons why you should compost - and fill you in on a whopping 175 things you probably didn’t know you could compost.

Here’s what you need to know.

things you didn't know you could compost

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What Are 10 Things You Can Compost?

Composting is a great way to reduce your waste and provide nutrients for your plants. Here are 10 things you can compost:

  • Fruit and vegetable scraps

  • Coffee grounds and filters

  • Egg shells

  • Shredded newspaper and paper towels

  • Yard waste such as leaves and grass clippings

  • Animal manure

  • Seaweed

  • Wood ash

  • Tea bags

Check out this video for even more:

Reasons to Compost

If you’re not sold on composting yet, here are some of the best reasons as to why you should get started.

  • It reduces waste: Did you know that yard and food waste make up 30% of the country’s waste? If you’re able to compost these biodegradable ingredients, you can easily keep these out of the landfill and waterways.

  • You can use fewer pesticides: Use compost on your lawn and garden, and you’ll have fewer pests. Why? Composts contain beneficial soil microbes that help support the soil instead of depleting it. A strong soil is more resistant to disease.

  • Compost improves the soil. As a corollary to the point above, compost helps to build up your soil in a natural way. It encourages a balanced, gradual release of nutrients to fertilize and improve your soil.

  • It can improve moisture retention. If you have heavy, clay soil or porous, sandy soil, compost can improve your structure over time. It will reduce the problems you have with too much mud in the spring and make it easier for you to grow a healthy garden.

  • It saves money. Instead of spending money on trash disposal fees and fertilizers, you can double up and save money by letting it break down on its own.

How to Compost

Composting isn’t difficult to do, but many people avoid it because they fear that it is a process that is far too complicated for the average homeowner. Not the case! You can compost in a large backyard bin or even a small vermicomposting bin in your basement. 

You’ll need to start with a compost bin. There are plenty of options, including:

A vermicomposting bin, like this which will allow you to use Red Wiggler worms to do your composting for you indoors.

A compost tumbler like thisif you think you are going to have trouble remembering to turn your bin  - these are designed for outdoor use. 

A traditional compost bin like this if you have plenty of space and just want the most basic system to get started.

You don’t have to run out and buy a bin, either! You can easily make your own out of old wood, pallets, or other materials you have lying around. You can even build your pile up on the ground and cover it with a tarp, or dig a trench and compost in the hole, too. 

You should pick a good location for whichever system you choose. If you compost indoors, put your bin in a cool, dry location. If you’re composting outside, you’ll want a sunny spot that you can get to year-round.

Greens and Browns

Once you start composting, you will hear people talking about “green” and “brown” ingredients. 

Green ingredients are things like vegetable scraps, garden waste, tea leaves, coffee filters, etc. These are rich in nitrogen.

Brown ingredients include things like dried leaves, straw, sawdust, woodchips, shredded paper, and twigs. These are high in carbon.

How to Start Composting 

Once you have a few green and brown ingredients ready to be composted, you can get started. You will want to begin with a generous layer of brown ingredients on the bottom. Then, place a layer of green ingredients. You can alternate these layers, but you should use about three times as many brown ingredients as greens. 

Remember, the smaller the material is, the more quickly it will break down. Large woody debris will take a long time to break down, while grass will decompose quickly.

It may behoove you to add a shovelful of soil when you are getting started, too. This will add some soil organisms to the pile and accelerate its decomposition. 

You should keep your pile at a moisture content of 50%. You may need to put a lid on your compost to protect it from heavy rains or snowfall. You will also want to stir your pile every three to five days - or at least every week. This will keep the airflow and microbes moving so you have nutritious compost that can be used more quickly.

175 Things You Didn’t Know You Could Compost 

  1. 100% cotton feminine products 

  2. 100% cotton products like cotton balls, or paper Q-tips

  3. Acorn shells

  4. Alfalfa hay or pellets (usually fed to rabbits, gerbils, etc.) (B)

  5. Algae

  6. Animal carcasses (this will take a very long time and may attract pests, so be careful with this one)

  7. Apple cores

  8. Aquarium plants

  9. Ashes from untreated wood

  10. Avocado pits

  11. Bagasse

  12. Bamboo

  13. Bamboo skewers 

  14. Banana Peels

  15. Bee droppings

  16. Beeswax

  17. Bird cage droppings

  18. Blood Meal

  19. Bone Meal

  20. Bread

  21. Burlap bags

  22. Business cards

  23. Cardboard boxes

  24. Cardboard egg cartons (you  might want to cut them up so they break down more quickly)

  25. Cattails

  26. Cellophane bags (make sure it's not plastic)

  27. Cereal

  28. Chewing gum

  29. Chicken bedding

  30. Chicken manure

  31. Chopsticks

  32. Christmas trees (chip them first)

  33. Cigar stubs

  34. Citrus rinds

  35. Clover

  36. Coconut milk

  37. Coffee filters

  38. Coffee grounds (G)

  39. Cooked pasta

  40. Corn cobs

  41. Corn husks

  42. Cotton fabric scraps

  43. Cow manure

  44. Crab shells

  45. Crackers

  46. Crepe paper streamers

  47. Crumbs

  48. Dead flies

  49. Dead houseplants (including the soil)

  50. Dead leaves

  51. Dry dog or cat food

  52. Dryer lint 

  53. Dust bunnies

  54. Egg shells

  55. Elmer’s Glue

  56. Entire vacuum cleaner bags 

  57. Envelopes

  58. Eraser rubbings

  59. Evergreen garlands

  60. Fallen bird's nests

  61. Feathers

  62. Fish meal

  63. Fish pellets

  64. Flat soda

  65. Floor sweepings

  66. Flowers from your floral arrangements

  67. Freezer burned fruits and vegetables

  68. Fruit scraps

  69. Fur from the dog or cat brush (B)

  70. Garden snail shells

  71. Gauze

  72. Goat manure

  73. Granite dust

  74. Grass Clippings

  75. Greensand

  76. Ground cover

  77. Hair

  78. Hay bales

  79. Hayweed

  80. Hemp

  81. Herbs and spices

  82. Hoof and horn meal

  83. Hops

  84. Horse manure

  85. Ivory soap scraps

  86. Jell-O

  87. Juice boxes 

  88. Kelp

  89. Kentucky bluegrass

  90. Latex balloons

  91. Leather

  92. Leaves from houseplants

  93. Leftover fish bait

  94. Limestone

  95. Linen bed sheets

  96. Lint

  97. Lobster shells

  98. Loose tea

  99. Matches

  100. Molasses 

  101. Moldy cheese (in moderation)

  102. Moss

  103. Mushrooms

  104. Nail Clippings

  105. Natural potpourri

  106. Natural silk

  107. Newspapers

  108. Nori

  109. Nut Shells

  110. Oatmeal

  111. Old candy

  112. Old jelly, jam, or preserves

  113. Old rope and twine

  114. Old wine

  115. Olive pits

  116. Onion skins

  117. Organic tobacco waste

  118. Outdated seeds (make SURE they are outdated first!)

  119. Paper documents (yes, you can get rid of those bills!)

  120. Paper mache 

  121. Paper plates

  122. Paper towel/toilet paper tubes

  123. Paper Towels

  124. Peat

  125. Pencil shavings

  126. Pickles

  127. Pine cones

  128. Pine needles

  129. Pizza crusts

  130. Popcorn kernels

  131. Popsicle Sticks

  132. Potash rock

  133. Potato peels

  134. Pretzels

  135. Produce trimmings

  136. Protein bars

  137. Pumpkins

  138. Rabbit, hamster, or gerbil droppings - do not use dog or cat feces

  139. Raffia

  140. Rawhide Dog Chews

  141. Razor trimmings

  142. Receipts

  143. Reptile cage lining and bedding

  144. Rice milk

  145. Roadkill (be careful, as this will take a long time)

  146. Sawdust

  147. Seaweed

  148. Sheep manure

  149. Shrimp shells

  150. Silkworm cocoons

  151. Sod

  152. Soy milk

  153. Spanish moss

  154. Stale beer

  155. Stale catnip

  156. Stale coffee beans

  157. Starfish

  158. Sunflower seeds or sesame seeds (you may want to chop them up first so they don't sprout)

  159. Tea bags

  160. Tempeh

  161. Tissues

  162. Tofu

  163. Toothpicks

  164. Tree bark

  165. Twigs

  166. Used brewery grain

  167. Used masking tape

  168. Veggie scraps

  169. Vines (like grapevines)

  170. Weeds - you may want to heat some of them first to destroy weed seeds

  171. Wine Corks

  172. Winery wastes

  173. Winter rye

  174. Wool

  175. Yarn scraps

Is that enough inspiration for you to get started?

Make sure you are careful, though, about not trying to throw everything into your compost. Here are some things that should stay out of your compost bin and just go in the trash.

25 Things You Should Avoid Composting

  1. Plastic

  2. Glass

  3. Aluminum Foil

  4. Metal

  5. Coated papers

  6. Glossy papers

  7. Diseased plants

  8. Feces of carnivorous animals (chickens are okay, even though they’re omnivores)

  9. Sweet baked goods

  10. Meat 

  11. Dairy 

  12. Cooking oil

  13. Used feminine hygiene products 

  14. Plants treated with herbicides 

  15. Black walnuts 

  16. Treated charcoal briquets

  17. Sawdust from treated wood

  18. Large branches (this won’t hurt anything, but will slow down composting)

  19. Synthetic fertilizers 

  20. Milk products

  21. Invasive plants

  22. Poisonous plants

  23. Dyed or synthetic fabrics

  24. Metallic wrapping paper

  25. Greasy foods

So there you have it! What do you think - are you ready to start composting? Let me know how it goes in the comments section below!

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